Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The First Post

Since I'm not big into scrapbooking, I thought a blog would be a good idea to keep track of our little guy and that happenings in the Hardy family. Plus, this way family can see, too. :)

Until I get some pictures up, I'll give a quick update on the things happening over here!

-As of today, I am 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant with our first little boy, who we are naming Kyle Beckham Hardy. We'll call him 'Beckham', or 'Beck'.

-At my last Dr.'s appt. yesterday, I was dilated to a 3 and now I'm just waiting, and waiting, and waiting! If by Friday Baby B doesn't come, I can choose to schedule an induction. I haven't decided if this is what I'd like to do or not.

-I've been put on moderate bedrest because my blood pressure has been higher than normal. It seems that when I lay down, my blood pressure goes down, too, so that's what I've been doing. I've had to skip out on work the past few weeks to keep it down, as well. I'm getting nice and bored! I guess I'd better enjoy it while it lasts?

- I had 2 AWESOME baby showers, and combined with the gifts and gift cards I've received, I was able to get EVERYTHING that we will need for the first few months the baby is born, without us having to spend a dime. What a blessing!

I want to get some pictures up, so I'll stop talking for now until I get some posted. It's only a matter of time before he's here!!!

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