Saturday, October 30, 2010

Exciting Stuff

Just an update on some things that have happened in the last little bit...

- Beck lost the rest of his umbilical cord! Gross I know, but I've got a picture to prove it! Raisin anyone?

- This week was Beck's little newborn photo shoot. Here's a few highlights...

This one cracks me up. I know now why they say you should do newborn photos within the first week of birth. He was impossible to pose. The idea was to have him curled up into a little ball on top of those towels...he knew better; he's holding on for dear life!

- Beck touched Grandpa Grant's guitar! This is a big deal, and his face shows it. Grandpa's pretty protective over his guitars.

-Church! We went to Relief Society together to hear Grandma Hardy's lesson. Here's Baby B's first church outfit...


Krista Hegstrom said...

Oh my cuteness! Cute pictures and cute first church outfit! :)

Rylie said...

He is just adorable!! Congrats you guys!

valerie said...

Aw love the newborn pics, cant wait to see more!!
I love love love little man clothes, he is soooo tiny!! :)